Today I will be listening to Brand New for the first time. Yes, that's true, I haven't listened to them before. All my friends have raging boners for this band and one of my friends even compared seeing them live to what heaven would be like. I don't know if that is true or not, since I have never seen them live, nor have I seen heaven. I'll just have listen to this album before making any heavenly assumptions. I'm going to be out and about tonight while listening instead of just sitting and writing at the same time. Hopefully it will be a good driving album.
I'm writing half this review tonight, and the other half in the morning when I am more refreshed. When I first started playing this, I expected to have a barrage of noise blaring at me from the get go, so I cranked up my stereo (after I drove out of my old-people neighborhood) a bit more than usual. That blaring didn't happen. It soon did though, don't worry. It didn't start out like I thought it would, but all of the sudden screaming and noise were in my face again. Been a while since I listened to something along these lines. Reminded me of what it would have been like to go to high school and listen to music that the popular kids didn't like.
This record was a lot more melodic and darker than I thought it would be. A lot better than I thought it would be, because I expected a pop-punk type of album...
I'll just apologize right here. This is a really shitty review of a very incredible record. I really liked listening to this, but I just can't write anything that describes it well. For anyone reading this, please know that this is most definitely worth buying. I will probably review this later when I can actually think of words to put for it. After hearing Jesus Christ I can see why all my friends have those raging boners that I mentioned earlier. The dark and dreamy sound of it enrages my boner as well. I don't know what that term is where it sounds like it was recorded in a well, but I love that. Somebody tell me the right word for that and I'll take note of it for future writings and also to sound smart in conversations about music. That song going right into one of my favourite songs on the record - Degausser - is such a great change in tracks. Harder and a little faster, it has a great pick up from the last song. The energy through this record is maintained extremely well. After Degausser comes Limousine, a 7 plus minute song. Again, long song, I expect an epic track. This definitely did not disappoint. That track stretch could have been an amazing EP just by itself.
Another song I took note of was Welcome To Bangkok, an instrumental track that was just noise. That's all it was, noise, awesome noise. I really didn't think I'd hear something like this on the album. Quite a good sound, but since I like vocals it's not one of my two favourites.
Luca is in my top two. I state that right here. Extremely melodic and has such a swaying sound to it. A very very great sounding track. I really can't put a good description on it, you just have to hear it. After that it kind of picks up with The Archers Bows Are Broken, but then quites down for Handcuffs. The whole record has a fairly smooth flow to it, with some extremely high points, and very few lows. It does not disappoint in the slightest. I'll definitely look forward to what they have next on their plate.
Two favourite tracks:
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is indeed amazing. I think it was a good review, im floored you hadn't listened!